San Diego Furry Convention

Further Confusion is one of the largest international conventions celebrating anthropomorphism in all of its guises. With an attendance of over 3,000 and growing, it's one of the premiere events of its kind. Further Confusion incorporates charitable benefits, educational conferences, art shows, panels and general social activities.

A Furry creature is anthropomorphic, where animal and human characteristics are equally present. It may be physical, psychological or both. They may be funny or serious. Usage of the term furry is limited almost exclusively to members of Furry Fandom or other cultural groups aware of furry fandom. The term Furry is also sometimes used to refer to fans of the arts arts. Such artwork range widely and include animators, illustrators, filmmakers, costume designers and actors, actors, voice talent, literary writers and songwriters.

Within the accepted use of"furry", Roger Rabbit, Bugs Bunny, and Mickey Mouse are"funny animals:" they are anthropomorphic, furry art mostly act like humans, and may be considered the cartoon equivalent of character actors. On the flip side, Usagi Yojimbo, Omaha the Cat Dancer, along with the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are furries (even though turtles don't have fur). They are usually more"realistic" in look than the funny animals and act more like crosses between people and animals. They are sapient and just as much"individuals" as any fictional character, but they are not presented as animals for laughs.

By way of example, the rabbit characters in Richard Adams' novel Watership Down are sentient and speak to one another, but their behavior and psychology is quite closely derived from that observed in real-life rabbits. Additional furries are not so closely tied to their own creature sides, but there is always some amount of serious consideration given for this.

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